Could (do) / could have (done)
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Complete the sentences. Use couldn't or couldn't have + these verbs (in the correct form):

be    be    come    find    get    live    wear

  1. I in a big city. I'd hate it.
  2. We had a really good holiday. It better.
  3. I that hat. I'd look silly and people would laugh at me.
  4. We managed to find the restaurant you recommended, but we it without the map that you drew for us.
  5. Paul has to get up at 4 o'clock every morning. I don't know how he does it. I up at that time every day.
  6. The staff at the hotel were really nice when we stayed there last summer. They more helpful.
  7. A: I tried to phone you last week. We had a party and I wanted to invite you.
    B: That was nice of you, but I anyway. I was away all last week.

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