I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)
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Put the verb in the present perfect or past.

  1. A: (you/ever/be) to Florida?
    B: Yes, we (go) there on holiday two years ago.
    A: (you/have) a good time?
    B: Yes, it (be) great.
  2. A: Where's Alan? (you/see) him?
    B: Yes, he (go) out a few minutes ago.
    A: And Rachel?
    B: I don't know. I (not/see) her.
  3. Rose works in a factory. She (work) there for six months. Before that she (be) a waitress in a restaurant. She (work) there for two years, but she (not/enjoy) it very much.
  4. A: Do you know Martin's sister?
    B: I (see) her a few times, but I (never/speak) to her. (you/ever/speak) to her?
    A: Yes. I (meet) her at a party last week. She's very nice.

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